When divorce is no longer someone else’s story

Now that the patchwork of your life includes the many threads of divorce, what will your next story be?  We have seen people lose their hope, their spirit, and their way during their divorce process and as they face challenges of rebuilding their life after divorce.  We have also seen people choose less destructive paths by seeking education, skills and support as they embrace growth and not just survival.  Our initiative is a direct result of walking a mile in your shoes, as we have also faced divorce and the building of a new beginning.  Emerge Victorious was founded on personal experience, education and lots of passion for divorced people.  Our encouragement is for you to step forward into the life that is waiting on you.

 Our Belief:

As Christians, Sandra Dopf Lee and Jennifer Cisney believe in the restoration of a healthy marriage but when that doesn’t happen, we believe the next choices are critical to the healing and renewal for you and your family.

 Our Purpose:

Through our coaching, mediation, trainings and resources we walk with families when divorce is no longer someone else’s story, but their own.

 Our Goal:

To equip, educate and empower men and women to grow through and beyond their divorce as they make choices that will then create their lives.

 Our Vision:

To share the message of God’s love and His plans to give each of you a new hope and a future even when divorce is a chapter in your life story.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Learn More About Divorce Mediation & Coaching